Consultations, Visitations, and Support Groups
Cost, accepted insurance, & availability will vary. Call/email to schedule appointments and for additional information about individual and group consultations, classes, & support..
Individual and Private Practice Consultation & Support
Allison Stiles, MD, FAAP, FACP, IBCLC: Memphis Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
(901) 276-0249
All Better Pediatrics: Linda Bowman, IBCLC Marcia Garcia, BA, IBCLC (901) 761-1880
Angie Whatley, RN, IBCLC: (870) 636-5231 arwhatley166@gmail.com
Laurelwood Pediatrics: Rivka Braverman, IBCLC (901) 683-9371
Milk Medic Shan McLean, BSN, RN, IBCLC Stefanie Logan, BSN, RN, IBCLC (901) 651-4489 info@themilkmedic.com www.themilkmedic.com
Midsouth Lactation Consultants: Joni Rose, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC, RLC Brandi Jordan, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC, RLC 901) 826-6385 support@midsouthlactationconsultants.com midsouthlactationconsultants.com
Pediatrics East: Brandi Jordan, MS, RD, IBCLC Cindy Earle, MSN, RN, IBCLC (901) 757-3535
River City Pediatrics (Baptist Medical Group) Kristi McDonald, RD, IBCLC (901) 761-1280 kristina.mcdonald@bmg.md