Consultations, Visitations, and Support Groups
Cost, accepted insurance, & availability will vary. Call/email to schedule appointments and for additional information about individual and group consultations, classes, & support..
Individual and Private Practice Consultation & Support
All Better Pediatrics: Linda Bowman, IBCLC Marcia Garcia, BA, IBCLC (901) 761-1880
Allison Stiles, MD, FAAP, FACP, IBCLC: Memphis Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
(901) 276-0249
Angie Whatley, RN, IBCLC: (870) 636-5231 arwhatley166@gmail.com
Anna Wilson, CLC:
(901) 300-0408 gaeabirthingco@gmail.com
April Sims, CLC:
(901) 438-7485
Bring It On Out:
Donna Ross, CLC
(901) 649-5811 donnaross1968@yahoo.com
Chanielle Talbird, MS, CLS, CD(DONA):
(901) 907-5036 vineyardpastries@gmail.com
Jessica Balderson, SLP, CLC
(901) 619-8590
​Kaila Matthews, CLC
(901) 603-0454
Kimathi Coleman, CLC
(901) 310-5372
Laurelwood Pediatrics:
Rivka Braverman, IBCLC
(901) 683-9371
Le Bonheur Pediatric Groups
Breastfeeding Clinics
(For Le Bonheur Patients Only)
(901) 432-1591
Megan Harris, CLC:
(559) 288-6271
Milk Medic Shan McLean, BSN,
RN, IBCLC Stefanie Logan, BSN,
RN, IBCLC (901) 651-4489
Midsouth Lactation Consultants:
Joni Rose, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC, RLC
Brandi Jordan, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC,
RLC 901) 826-6385
My Mama Body:
Emily Mulqueen, CLC
(917) 331-9643
Pediatric Associates:
(901) 377-2711
Pediatric Consultants – Collierville:
(901) 457-2880
Pediatrics East:
Brandi Jordan, MS, RD, IBCLC
Cindy Earle, MSN, RN, IBCLC
(901) 757-3535
River City Pediatrics
(Baptist Medical Group)
Kristi McDonald, RD, IBCLC
(901) 761-1280
Susan Rook, PT, CLC
(901) 602-4460
Tallita Oseguera, CNM, WHNP-BC
Text: (310) 430-5964
Toni Hill, DEM, CLC
(North Mississippi)
(662) 269-4643
Webbmark Health Solutions, LLC
Larita Taylor, PhD, MPH, CLC
Hospital and Lactation Support Services Organizations
Baptist Memorial Health Care
(662) 772-3296
Memphis (Women’s):
Support Group and General Questions
(901) 227-9873
Lactation Services
(901) 475-5410
Breastfeeding Sisters That Are
Receiving Support (BSTARS)
Facebook:Memphis BSTARS
Breastfeeding USA Memphis Chapter
Jessica Smith
(901) 579-0536
Facebook: Breastfeeding USA
Memphis Chapter
Early Success Coalition:
(901) 577-2500
LaLeche League of Memphis: Kristin
Hildebrand (901) 244-3511
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown:
(901) 516-6893
South (Memphis):
(901) 516-3475
Olive Branch
(662) 932-9328
Regional One Health (ROH) Community
Program Coordinator for Childbirth
Services: (901) 545-8449
services/ classes/
Lactation Services (901) 545-7736 lactationroh@regionalonehealth.org​
Saint Francis Hospital Park:
(901) 765-1761
Saint Jude Children’s Research
(901) 595-3315
*Classes for St.
Jude employees only*
Shelby County Agencies
Baby Café
(901) 222-9980
WIC Clinics:
(901) 222-9000
Sundara Wellness Center
(901) 321-5803